Hello! I'm Revaz
All my experience is dedicated to human resources management and all the related issues including projects implementation. Therefore, my educational background has strong connection to labour economics, sociology and human resources management. According to the mentioned above, I am ready and feel courage to engage all my competences to human resources field.

Revaz Kharabadze
HR / OD Expert and Labor Market Counselor
(+995 77) 961 542
Date of Birth:
February 23, 1985
2019/12 - present
2022/04 - present
Head Of Human Resources Management
2021/07 - 2022/05
Head Of Human Resources Management
2017/12 - 2019 / 12
Head Of Human Resources Management
Recruting Company Job Gear;
Managing startup Company
LTD Marshe (food production)
Leadership of HR Process;
LTD CaucasPack (food packaging and plastic cups production)
Leadership of HR Process;
JSC MFO "Micro Business Capital" (mbc);
Leadership of HR Process, Recruitment of staff, administration, motivation and development coordination;
2011/10 - 2017 / 12
Head Of Human Resources Management Division
Leadership of HR team, Recruitment of staff, administration, motivation and development coordination;
2010/05 – 2011/10
Job Counselor
International Organization for Migration, JCP Project of consultation and Employment (Kutaisi);
to advice Beneficiaries how to find a job, their registration, relationship with employers, help in finding the necessary staff, finding a job, training in job search techniques, database management, control;
2009/05 – 2010/05
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University;
quality assurance, assistant, intern, market Survey ( students rates on lectures and courses) SPSS date base processing and analysis.
Master's Degree
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, faculty of Economics and Business - Human Resource Management.
Bachelor's Degree
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, faculty of Economics and Business - Labouer Economics and Sociology.
Main Tranings
Project Management
Management Academy
Human Resources Management
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Strategic Planning / Change Management
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
(The Companies / Organizations I have worked with)

Microsoft Office - Advanced
Spss - Advanced
C# - Begginer
Georgian - Native
English - Average
Russian - Average
(Three Main Project)
Jolo” is the programme which allows companies and employers to sign contracts, electronically. This also provides the employees data base including staff personal data and managing their vacations, business missions and time management at work. The project was implemented in JSC MFO Crystal.
Summer School
JSC MFO Crystal provides opportunities for students and graduates for developing new competences and skills in order to explore their possibilities. During 2-4 weeks period participants are involved in intensive course in sales, financial, social analytic skills development and learning process how to become successful
Competences Map
Competences Map is the instrument which provides opportunities for right decisions in recruitment and evaluation process. This is the complex of competences which is so much necessary for different kinds of work.